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(Textiles) a yarn or fabric made from waste silk
[from German]
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Sir John writes, "In Egipte er diuerse langagez and diuerse letters and of o[??]er schappe [??]an er in o[??]er placez; and [??]erfore wille I here sette bathe [??]e letters and [??]aire soune and [??]aire names, [??]at 3e may knawe [??]e difference betwix [??]a letters and letters of o[??]er langagez" (30).
(50) Mancuso, D.J., Sims, H.F., Yang, K., Kiebish, M.A., Su, X., Jenkins, C.M., Guan, S., Moon, S.H., Pietka, T., Nassir, F., Schappe, T., Moore, K., Han, X., Abumrad, N.A.
And how sche ymagyned desiryng And scheo ymagined, desirynge bat hit my3t be in hire dayes, bat she that hit my3t be yn hure dayes, my3te ones see oure blessid lord bat that scheo my3t see oones our she hadde servyd in be temple in be blessid Lorde that scheo serued schappe of owre kynde.
Schappe (1998) studied the influence of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and fairness perceptions in the form of procedural justice and interactional justice on OCB and found that neither procedural justice nor interactional justice was a significant predictor of OCB.
(19.) Love-Gregory L, Sherva R, Sun L, Wasson J, Schappe T, Doria A, et al.
Previous research has proved the effect of perceptions of justice on satisfaction (Schappe, 1998).
Schappe (1998), research based to investigate the influence of job satisfaction, procedural justice, and organizational commitment together on OCB.
Partners: Hexcel (France), Schappe Technics (France), Omega Dms (France), KSL (Germany), Qinetiq (UK), Compose Tools (UK) and PPE (France).
Because valid and reliable inferences can be drawn from performance-based assessments used with gifted children and with young children (Moon, Brighton, Callahan, & Robinson, 2005; Schappe, 2005; VanTassel-Baska, Johnson, & Avery, 2002), three performance-based assessments were developed to measure knowledge and skill attainment in the units.
Moreover, if employees believe that the procedures used in allocation organizational outcomes are fair and just, they will be satisfied and more likely to engage in OCB behavior (Brockner and Adsit, 1986; Konovsky and Pugh, 1994), whereas Schappe (1998) believed that procedural justice were not able to predict OCB.