

a pad for recording the score in a game
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Ah, so the scorepad stands against predestination, fortunes all shown to be skits in the Big Apple.
While you provide your own wedge(s)--no throwing it (or them) into the lake (er, pool) or wrapping it (or them) around that big old oak tree in your backyard; after all, this is a family game and we want to set a good example for the next generation of golfers-Qolf supplies three high-tech frames, 12 Qolfballs, Qolf zone rope, scorepad, instruction manual and DVD, and carry bag.
Finally, and she says this triumphantly as she goes out in rummy, her son put her in here--and she leans over the scorepad, adding up out loud.
The record finally came late in the contest, substitute Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain adding his name to the scorepads with a fine finish after he raced onto fellow sub Daniel Sturridge's through-ball.
This year for the first time, competitors in the Pro Am will be able to take advantage of the VPAR digital hand-held scorepads, which do away with the need for traditional scorecards and pencils.
Though Montreal is predominantly French, a disproportionate number of hard-core baseball fans--the type who, like myself, attend games with scorepads and A.M.
Each game ($14.99) includes over 1,000 trivia questions, pencils, and scorepads. Simply open and enjoy.
The record finally came late in the contest, sub Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain adding his name to the scorepads with a fine finish after he raced onto fellow sub Daniel Sturridge's through-ball.