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(Anthropology & Ethnology) a variant spelling of seawan
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Mukul, a resident of Sewan Gate, was issued a challan by Haryana Police at Committee Chowk area of Kaithal for not carrying important documents, Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) Dharamveer told media persons.
He said Bilawal, whom he termed the accidental chairman of PPP, had never raised voice for Karachi's cleanliness problems or a bomb blast in Sewan Sharif.
The victims boarded the train from Faisalabad Wednesday afternoon and were going to Sewan Sharif to pay homage at the shrine of a famous saint Lal Shahbaz Qalandar.
But at that time Prime Minster Nawaz Sharif failed to take a wise foreign policy decision to buttress the efforts of United Nations' representative on Afghanistan Benon Sewan. The government in Kabul collapsed and fratricidal war ensued among the Afghan Warlords which ultimately culminated in the emergence of Afghan Taliban.
Morpho-anatomical and physiological attributes for salt tolerance in sewan grass (Lasiurus scindicus Henr.) from Cholistan Desert., Pakistan.