

a machine used to form something into sheets, such as paper or cloth
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Maxson Automatic Machinery Company has introduced a Human Machine Interface that incorporates a color touchscreen with easily understood graphics to input and monitor machine parameters .The large 15.6" (396 mm) screen can be viewed from any angle and is centrally located on the sheeter for ease of access.
There was a loop between the extrusion process and the sheeter. The sheeter became a slave to the process.
Maxson Automatic Machinery Company offers a high-speed sheeter that can sheet and stack up to six rolls of paper into press ready piles.
No manual adjustment is needed to produce consistently uniform corn tortillas and chips with Heat and Control's ParagonTM Automatic Weight Control Sheeter.
It has invested in a hologram application line with five models comprising unwind, 4-head hologram encoder, rewind, sheeter and refolder/stacker, giving it the ability to process documents with holograms roll to roll, roll to sheet or high speed pack to pack.
A new dough sheeter is providing a fundamental knowledge of the bakery sheeting process to scientists from New Zealand Crop and Food Research (Private Bag 4704, Christchurch, New Zealand).
The solution was a rotary sheeter model FRC-630 cut-to-length assembly.