
Also found in: Acronyms.
Related to shog: conversate, Skeevy, suffice, defines


1. a shake or a jolt
2. a shogging or jerky gait
3. rare a shaking condition
4. to shake
5. (intr) to move along in a bumpy manner
6. (Military) (intr) (of troops) to move slowly to one side
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Tibetan defines "shog kha" as "group, clique, faction, party, sector" (1104).
According to the London daily Elaph, "Yazeed Al Shog" is one of the songs from Fulla's new Khaliji "Gulf Countries dialect" album called "Ya Msafer Al Jafa" (You Who's Traveling).
The catalogue mentions the following craftsmen: directors (zhal ta ba), scribal managers (yig gnyer ba), proofreaders (zhus dag pa), chief scribes (gtso bo yig mkhan) (also known as "distinguished scholars," the same appellation given to the recipients of Bu ston's letter), paper makers (shog bzo ba), engravers (rkos mkhan), goldsmiths who worked on the book covers (gdong rkos kyi gser bzo mkhan), page-numberers (grangs yig pa), collators (gras mkhan), book-strap makers (sku rags mkhan), and blacksmiths who made the buckles for the straps (sku rags kyi chab ma'i mgar ba).
Step forward and be counted...the instantly forgettable DJ Shog. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but surely out and out copies of dance music from the past is nothing more than unoriginal?
Coming Soon...Prodigy Baby's Got A Temper, Jennifer Lopez I'm Gonna Be Alright, The Supernaturals Life Is A Motorway, Soil Unreal, Idlewild American English, Bill & Ben Flobbadance, Brendan Benson Tiny Spark, Gary Numan Rip, Sahara Hotnights On Top Of Your World, DJ Shog This Is My Sound, Outkast Land Of A Million Drums.
// rgya chen bsam pas byams chen sku bzhengs nas // grub chen pag chen chos rjes byin gyis rlabs // don chen legs grub gro bai skyabs chen gyur // tshogs chen myur rdzogs byang chub che thob shog //
zhag nyi shu'i khongs su gsum btub ma bcu gsum 'phring/ shog gu brgya nyi shu tsam byung / de man ched dpon sras rnams kyis kyang / brje tho yig chung than thun zhus so/.
Having received [this plea], he said: "I will do in accordance with the request of the Tibetans, accompanied by a gift of gold", (f.9b) a statement he left in a bka' shog. Accompanied as guides by pandi ta Go tam shra bha dra from Ma ga rda (spelled so) and Tsandra ghi rti from East India who was btsun pa Dze ta ri bha dra from Zla ba gling, two in all, he left to the south on the eighth of the month (sic) of water female bird 1273.