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The alternative medical terms used to describe dry eyes are keratitis sicca, keratoconjunctivitis siccan, and dysfunctional tear syndrome.
What the shepherd in "Borderland" finds himself transported to is described in the following way in the poem: I held my een, for I couldna ken How siccan a thing could be:-- such Flock and fell were vanished and gane, hillside And I lay out on an unco plain By the waves of a sounding sea.
siccans (Drechsler) Shoemaker is reported to yield a phytotoxin named as 6 8-dihydroxy-3- (2'-hydroxypropyl) isocoumarin (de-o-methyldiaporthin) and found very effective against common oat (Avena sativa L.) barnyardgrass [Echonocloa crus-galli (L.) P.
Entre as doencas foliares do trigo, a manchaamarela, causada pelos fungos Drechslera triticirepentis (Died) Shoemaker e Drechslera siccans (Drechsler) Shoem, aumentou significativamente em importancia nos ultimos anos, sendo encontrada em mais de 60% dos levantamentos efetuados em campo (REIS et al., 2011).
(2005) reported Drazepinone, a trisubstituted tetrahydronaphthofuroazepinone from Drechslera siccans having herbicidal activity against monocot weeds.
The block was selected for uniformity, with 20% of the plants removed before anthesis in 1998, based on lighter color, noticeable anthocyanin in the leaves, coarser leaves, reduced seed head initiation, winter damage, or susceptibility to leaf spot [caused by Drechslera siccans (H.
Drazepinone, a trisubstituted tetrahydronaphthofuro- azepinone with herbicidal activity produced by Drechslera siccans. Phytochemistry, 66: 715-721
Approximately 10% of the plants were removed in the fall of 1997 based on lighter color, leaf spot [caused by Dreshlera siccans [(11.
It has shown good turf quality in trials throughout the USA; good resistance to stem rust, leaf spot [caused by Drechslera siccans (Drechs.) Shoemaker], red thread [caused by Laetisaria fuciformis (McAlpine) Burdsall] and crown rust; and moderate resistance to dollar spot (caused by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa F.T.
Bennett), red thread [caused by Laetisaria fuciformis (McAlpine) Burdsall], and moderate leaf spot [caused by Drechslera siccans (Drechs.) Shoemaker] resistance.
Applaud also exhibited good resistance to crown rust disease and good resistance to leaf spot (caused by Drechslera siccans Drechs.), stem rust (caused by P.
Approximately 48 plants were selected from each of the 14 best performing single-plant progeny turf plots based on vigor, density, dark-green color and freedom from leaf spot disease (caused by Drechslera siccans Drechs.).