

(Plants) an American variety of the squash plant
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References in periodicals archive ?
The army troops also struck heavy blows at the militants' positions in the city of Inkhil, and the towns of Zimrin and Simlin in Dara'a.
In Jaidour Houran area, which is a major supplyroute for the terrorists across the Israeli entity, the army operations inflicted heavy lossesupon Jabhat al-Nusra-linked terrorist groups in Zimrin and Simlin villages.
The model discussed in this paper was estimated with SAS "proc syslin" (although "proc model" may also be used) and simulated with "proc simlin."
In the southern province of Daraa, an army unit targeted terrorists'movements in Simlin town in the northern countryside,killing and injuring a number of them and destroying a vehicle with all weapons andammunition carried on board it.