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Related to sinh: Hyperbolic functions


hyperbolic sine
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ʃaɪn; sɪnʃ)
(Mathematics) hyperbolic sine; a hyperbolic function, sinh z = (ezez), related to sine by the expression sinh iz = i sin z, where i = √–1
[C20: from sin(e)1 + h(yperbolic)]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
(C) [phi] (r) [less than or equal to] [[alpha].sup.2]r and [psi](R) [greater than or equal to] [[alpha].sup.2] sinh [alpha] / sinh[alpha] - 2 sinh [alpha][gamma] cosh [alpha]/2 R.
So, was she relieved or did she regret the decision, after hearing how a host of top bureaucrats are in the line of fire now for their proximity to Sinh and how they were adventurous enough to listen to Sinh when most ministers shudder at the mention of Narendra Modi's name?
[B.sub.0] (t) = [square root of 1 + [k.sup.2.sub.g] (t)/cosh A (t) - sinh A (t).
The Vietnamese Parliament Speaker Nguyen Sinh Hung, for his part, said that Iran-Vietnam relations have always benefited both nations.
In spite of these colourful details, however, Vinh Sinh's sketch is mainly an intellectual biography where aspects of his personal life are rather briefly treated.
g'(t) = [partial derivative][g.sub.p, q](t)/[partial derivative]t = 2p cosh(1 + 2p)t + 2pt(1 + 2p) sinh (2p + 1)t - 6p cosht/-[p.sup.2] - 6pt sinht - 2(2p + 1) cosh(2p + 1)t - (2p - 1) cosh(2p - 1)t/-[p.sup.2].
"Vietnamese have enough food and higher living standards, so eating dog meat should be considered brutal," Sinh said.
Recently, workings of this control room underwent a change after senior officials of CISF faced allegations of facilitating Matang Sinh, an accused in the multicrore Saradha scam.
Businessman Sinh Grewal, 43, was collecting payments from clients along Skyline Road in Barangay Sto.
"I am weaving tinh sinh (the bottom of the Lao skirt).
[kappa] sinh [theta] = -[tau] cosh [theta], [kappa] ds/d[s.sub.2] cosh [theta] + [tau] ds/d[s.sub.2] sinh [theta] = [[tau].sup.*] d[s.sup.*]/d[s.sub.3],