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Related to sipe: Skype


1. a drain
2. (Clothing & Fashion) US a groove (in a tyre or shoe sole) for draining water and improving traction
3. (Automotive Engineering) US a groove (in a tyre or shoe sole) for draining water and improving traction
vb (intr)
dialect Scot (of water, liquid, etc) to soak; to filter through
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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With these latest sipe styles, the lugs are able to work together as a single unit rather than individual lugs, helping reduce uneven wear.
Tom Doyle; attorney Jeff Anderson; Barbara Blaine, founder of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests; Chicago priest-sociologist Andrew Greeley; Sipe; and me, among others.
In her new role based in Atlanta, Sipe will oversee strategies, approach and execution for SBA lending across all areas of the company.
Sipe attributes the change to the districts four-year-old STEM Academy, a homemade K12 after-school program that enrolls hundreds of students for 12 hours a week of enrichment courses, field trips and career exploration.
While "Demolition" benefits from its cheeky, dramedy-defying approach to material that might have played either flat or overly precious in another director's hands, Sipe's script seems to be working overtime to elicit tears.
The creative power couple, graphic designer and creative marketer Lisa Sipe and problem-solving software developer Jim Sipe, offer a wide range of services.
Sipe says the response to his proposal from the industry at large could best be characterized as "thunderous silence." The current system of commodity trading is "old school," where generators faced with short-notice supply needs essentially use, according to Sipe, their rolodexes to call various marketers in search of gas and available capacity.
Sipe says the response to his proposal from the industry at large could best be characterized as "thunderous silence." The current system of commodity trading is "old school," where generators faced with short notice supply needs essentially use, according to Sipe, their rolodexes to call around to various marketers in search of gas and available capacity.
Richard Sipe, a sociologist and former Benedictine monk who has been married for 43 years.
As to why this negligence continues, ex-Benedictine priest and now mental health counsellor Richard Sipe makes the telling observation that the inflated role of the priest as a stand-in for Christ in the sacraments makes him untouchable.