
(redirected from sithens)


(ˈsɪθən) ,




archaic words for since
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Sithens therefore these two worthy Nations had those bright lampes of learning (I meane the most ancient and best Philosophers, Historiographers and Geographers) to shewe them light; and the loadstarre of experience (to wit those great exploits and voyages layed vp in store and recorded) whereby to shape their course: what great attempt might they not presume to vndertake?
(7) There was not long sithens two Roges that alwaies did associate them selues together, and would neuer seperat them selues, vnles it were for some speciall cuases, for they were sworn brothers (...): these two (Harman: 37).
The second poem in the Egerton manuscript sets the tone: What vaileth truth or by it to take pain, To strive by steadfastness for to attain To be just and true and flee from doubleness, Sithens all alike, where ruleth craftiness, Rewarded is both false and plain?
The speaker opens Sonnet 2 by saying that these poems have been "bred / Of th'inward bale of my love-pin'd hart / And sithens have with sighes and sorrowes fed, / Till greater than my wombe thou woxen art" (1-4).
Brown, therefore, takes the dedication to Mother Hubberds Tale, "long sithens composed in the raw conceipt of my youth," as itself a fiction, and he would date this "sophisticated and mature performance in a low style" from the late 1580s (174-75).
109 Bob Sithens Source: Builders Resource Job growth was sluggish at 1.6% in 1997, but the unemployment rate was low.