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(Animals) dialect the Himalayan ibex
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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He is as fond of his skeen as you are of yours; he'll come round to our way in the end.
Ye'll be nowt but skeen and boans if you stop here long eneaf.
Penalties from Hogg and Skeen then saw the score move on to 11-11, but right on half-time the Wanderers scored a try through Callum Spriddle, Berwick found themselves 11-16 down.
To oversee this new effort in the US, Heidelberg has appointed Steve Skeen as Vice President of Lifecycle Solutions Business Management.
After huddling with Skeen, Schriro came up with a document that clearly defined her expectations, "which sounds really straightforward, but it's so hard to do when you don't have the experience," she said.
When the majority of Iranians were converting from Zorastrianism to Islam--from the mid-7th Century to the 10th Century CE--the custom gradually changed from kaft skeen to kaft seen.
They had me in Skeen Matthew says he faces years of hardship because of loans he took out a year after Damelin left the company.
"It's a critical issue because if class waivers are enforceable but we don't have a right to have courts review them, then what's the end result?" said Skeen.
Skeen indicates that, if employers really want to reduce the cost that smoking employees impose on a business, they need to look beyond being purely punitive, and instead start thinking about ways they can inspire and support workers who want to quit.
A high fend from winger Stockdale drew the attention of Skeen and Gauzere opted for a yellow card for the youngster.
He captured Loch Skeen, which is at the nature reserve, in all its glory and decided it was worthy to send in to the competition.
Dominic Skeen, who received more than 100 birthday cards from all over the world for his 21st birthday