



archaic dialect or South African a rogue
[C17: via Dutch from Old High German skelmo devil]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
She tauld thee [Tam] weel thou was a skellum, A blethering, blustering, drunken blellum; That frae November till October, Ae market-day thou wast nae sober.
He was good at one liners of abuse such as calling someone a curpin (which is the rump of a fowl and also a man's bottom), describing them as mundungus (offal or waste), a scroyle (good for nothing), a sKellum (rogue or rascal) and a gundygut (voracious eater).
WORCESTERSHIRE accountancy firm Ballard Dale Syree Watson has unveiled the appointment of senior audit and accounts manager Mark Skellum to its management team.
Mr Skellum, who previously worked for big-four practice Ernst & Young in a senior management position, takes up a new role with Ballards at the firm's Droitwich office.
David Neate, Ian Howey, David Tucker; Pardeep Matharu, Phil Baigent, Sue Varley; Simon Gill, Chris Key, Andrew Mills, Martin Poole; Andrew Mills, Nicola Skellum, Ian Mansell, Alistair Pendleton, Martin Poole; Sally Anderson, Spencer Wright, Mark Day, Martin Poole; Victoria Pender, Dan Salt, Meg Thomson, Richard Davies
Birmingham Magistrate David Skellum described the offence as 'substantial harassment' which crossed the custodial threshold.
Gemma Westley, Victoria Portman, Darren Bradshaw, Kate Goodfellow; Nigel Cooke, Emma Hopkinson, Nick Hinton, Ben Horsley; Deborah Brown, Carl Pykett, Nylat Yousuf, Charlotte Duce; Laura Chalkley, Simon Gunnell, Karen O'Connor; Hannah Martyr, Victoria Back, Kathryn Bird; Dan Salt, Meg Thompson, Kathryn Bird, Mark Kinston; Emily Aviss, Nikki Bond, John Pryor, Nicola Skellum; Nick Sumner, Rob Sloan, Sam Miller, Paul Emery
Magistrate David Skellum described the offence as extremely serious "substantial harassment".
CLEARWATER CORPORATE FINANCE has expanded its team in Birmingham with the appointment of Mark Day and Nicola Skellum as managers and Lisa Maynard as cross-border deal analyst.
The line-up this year includes Sky Ladder, a female fronted Pop/ Rock band from North Wales; The Sidelights, an up-and-coming band from Flint; Cal Roberts, who has had success as a solo act, and is now lead vocalist/guitarist of The Skellums; Niamh Adlen, who takes her inspiration from bands such as Fleetwood Mac; Jim Orton, a Glasgowbased singer/songwriter; Retro Youth, a rock band from the North West formed just over a year ago; Two Black Sheep; Dan Pearce, and three-piece alternative band Cry.