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n, pl -mos or -mo
(Peoples) offensive slang Canadian an Inuit
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
And a few I could never have imagined - who'd ever heard of Fun Yakking or Skimo?
Sister web Nickelodeon Latin America has been churning out a slew of tween programs since 2003's "Skimo," its first foray into the field.
Combine the two in the fantastic growing sport of skimo.
And a few I could never have imagined - who'd ever heard of Fun Yakking or Skimo? Fort William also has the Highland Museum and many distilleries to visit.
Nickelodeon Latin America first ventured into original programming with kid-targeted sitcom "Skimo" in 2006.
Nickelodeon Latin America has reaped ratings gold with teen-targeted sitcom "Skimo" since last year.
Nickelodeon's first local production, tween comedy "Skimo," is shooting its fourth season.
He has set up MTV studios in Mexico and Argentina and developing Nick Latin America's first Spanish-language live-action comedy, "Skimo," which bowed this year.
Now the network is gearing up for the May 15 bow of its first live-action original scripted series for the region, "Skimo." Nickelodeon has co-produced 14 segs of the half-hour teen comedy with Mexico's Macias Group.
(18.) Rasmussen's narrator does not use generalizing (and dehumanizing) expressions as "our skimos" "a few Eskimos", frequently used in narratives of exploration.