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archaic a person who serves or pours liquor
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She wanted to become a great writer, but studied biology in college because of her inspirational teacher, Mary Scott Skinker. Rachel spent summers studying marine life at the renowned Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
Chemotherapeutic agents may pose a danger to both patients and staff members because these agents are toxic compounds that can be carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratogenic (Mellinger, Skinker, Sears, Gardner, & Shult, 2010).
Kevin Skinker also found the back of the net in stoppage time as part of Voltes' six-goal barrage in the last 10 minutes of the first half.
According to, the Supreme Court of Virginia has sided with Caroline County's Board of Supervisors in a lawsuit involving Vulcan Materials Co.'s planned mining project on Albert Wachtmeister's 541-acre Black Marsh Farms property in the Skinker's Neck area of Caroline.
have previously been reported from skunks in North America (Skinker, 1935; Perry, 1939; Self and McKnight, 1950; Chandler, 1952), this constitutes the first report of Oochoristica sp.
(41) Broadsheets survive which provide details of performers such as Tannakin Skinker. See A Certaine relation of the hog-faced gentlewoman called Mistris Tannakin Skinker, stc 22627.5 (1640).
Caught in a crawl of traffic on Skinker Avenue, Sheila eyed the other motorists who looked to be dressed for the symphony, or the theatre, men in suits and ties, ladies in evening gowns with pearls and diamonds sparkling on slender necks.
Brazilian portal has launched a Skinker that will deliver news alerts directly to the users' desktops.
Many volunteers, fiercely waving orange flags, directed traffic around the huge area, which was 80-90 percent full when we parked close to Skinker boulevard and walked to Brookings Hall.
Venema Pianist Glen Pearson With: Portia Johnson, Terry Layman, Jennifer Piech, Sherry Skinker.
Most particularly, she encountered the next key influence in her life, her extraordinary biology professor, Mary Scott Skinker, whose classes were avoided by many because they were so demanding.