

resembling a slit
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A, Usual type endocervical adenocarcinoma with serous-like papillae and slitlike spaces.
[S]keletal figures with yellow swollen faces sat propped against the walls of building, their puffy slitlike eyes vacant, their gnarled hands reaching out to indifferent pedestrians for bread.
Although true lining endothelial cells were not found in the "slitlike" spaces on immunohistochemical examination, these cells displayed CD34 and smooth muscle actin positivity (Figure 4).
They must not need to see down there, because their "poorly developed eyes are buried under the skin." The rest of their face is a snout that contains a nostril and a couple of sensory appendages called barbels; and a mouth with a "round or slitlike openings provided with horny teeth."
Stavis, Quantitative Measurements of the Size Scaling of Linear and Circular DNA in Nanofluidic Slitlike Confinement, Macromolecules.
Head: Wider across eyes than long (26.5/23); "genae" much shorter than clypeus and adherent at its apex; antenniferous lobes short with apex acute; antennae 2.45x as long as width of head (65/26.5), segment I by far longest, cylindrical and slightly curved, segments II + III shorter, more slender, and straight, IV shortest and clavate; length of antennal segments I/II/III/IV = 29/13.5/15.5/7; eyes stalked and directed anterolaterally; postocular lobes sinuately converging to constricted neck; vertex with a carinate ridge laterally delimited by longitudinal grooves; rostrum arising from a slitlike atrium, shorter than head, lateral margins of rostral groove beset with a fringe of stiff setae.
1F) and 1 on each gena; these openings varied from slitlike to rounded holes among different specimens.
Each peg sensillum has a single slitlike pore that allows chemical stimulants access to receptor neurons inside the peg shaft.
The laryngeal ventricle is a slitlike cavity, with the orifice located between the true and false cords.
Very fine reddish yellow fabric (7.5YR 7/5) with occasional white grit and slitlike voids, minute sparkling inclusions; light reddish brown to gray wash over top only (2.5YR 6/4, 5YR 3/1).
Aperture interiomarginal, umbilical-extraumbilical, slitlike, with a thin lip.
When a female finally arrives, she may harvest the packets through a slitlike opening on her abdomen.