

1. (tr) to smear or daub
2. (tr) to do in a hurried or imperfect manner
3. (intr) another word for slobber
4. (Crafts) a person who uses a slubbing-machine
5. (Crafts) the machine itself
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
While the rescued Kwaque continued to moan and slubber thankfulness at his feet, he proceeded to strip them that were naked.
He knew their many noises that were as grunts and slubbers. He knew their anger noises, their fear noises, their food noises, their love noises.
Tom donned his Christopher Schindler shirt - a Christmas present from Trish - before heading down to the Slubber's Arms in Fartown to meet up with other fans for the pre-match ritual of a pint or two of Timothy Taylor's.
I saw Bassanio and Antonio part: Bassanio told him he would make some speed Of his return: he answer'd, 'Do not so; Slubber not business for my sake, Bassanio But stay the very riping of the time; And for the Jew's bond which he hath of me, Let it not enter in your mind of love: Be merry, and employ your chiefest thoughts To courtship and such fair ostents of love As shall conveniently become you there:' And even there, his eye being big with tears, Turning his face, he put his hand behind him, And with affection wondrous sensible He wrung Bassanio's hand; and so they parted.
Blurt is derided as 'thou little morsel of Justice' by his clerk Slubber. (12) These popular city comedies played on the fears of violence and the ineptitude of those who were responsible for containing it.
"Slubber not business for my sake, Bassanio; But stay the very riping of the time.
Good pubs there include: The King's Head, The Sportsman on St John's Road, the Vulcan in St Peter's Street and Slubbers Arms on Halifax Old Road.
loathsome, beastlie"); Salet ("Sullied, slubbered soyled;
She had been with the other three women at the Slubbers Arms in Huddersfield, celebrating one of them moving to a new house in the West Yorkshire town.
All the women had recently moved to Huddersfield and had just left the Slubbers Arms when the accident happened.
Slubbers Arms - 1 Halifax Old Rd, Fartown (HD1 6HW) Next to the whooshing traffic on Bradford Road this historic hostelry is a great place to stop for a quiet pint.