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Related to solonetz: Solonetz soil


(ˌsɒləˈnɛts) or


(Physical Geography) a type of intrazonal soil with a high saline content characterized by leaching
[Russian solonets salt not obtained through decoction]
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The soil is classified as a Sodosol (Isbell 2002) or Solonetz (IUSS Working Group WRB 2015) and described as a texture-contrast soil with gilgai microrelief, an intermediate ironstone horizon of variable thickness and variable depth to the clay subsoil.
Phosphogypsum, a by-product of phosphorus fertilizer production, is important for soil reclamation and remediation, especially for Solonetz (Minkin et al., 1992; Michalovicz et al., 2014; Crusciol et al., 2016; Hideo and Crusciol, 2016).
Sandy soils contain less mobile zinc, while solonetz soils contain more.
In any case, there is an increased difficulty that has been presented when talking about the halogypsophilous character of some species, which is related to typically saline soils such as the solonetz and the solonchaks in which gypsic horizon may also occur.
Samples of the humus horizon of black soil and solonetz were taken from the depth of 0-10 cm in ten locations to determine the content of microelements.
Salsodisols (strongly affected soils by salt) occupy restricted areas only by Calmatui meadow, where are especially represented by Solonetz soils.
Estavel Solonetz Planossolos 127,29 6 Vulneravel Solodizado Natricos Med.
The soil varies considerably and includes: (a) contorted gilgai of fine texture (Dermosol); (b) Red-Brown and transitional Red-Brown earths (Kurosols) with sandy surface layers underlain by heavy clays; (c) Solodized Solonetz (Sodosols) with coarse-textured surface horizons, differentiated from the subsoil either by a well-developed and columnar structure; and (d) Deep Sands (Rudosol) that consist of undifferentiated reddish sandy loams.
(1993) determinaron que los suelos donde crecen los espartillares de la Reserva son Solonetz Gleycos, con un alto contenido de Na en superficie, en su complejo de intercambio (65%) y en el subsuelo, lo que en conjunto determina que los suelos tengan una fuerte reaccion alcalina.