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This obsession is very well described in Ozai's words in the episode "Sozin's Comet": "When the comet last came, my grandfather, Firelord Sozin, used it to wipe out the Air Nomads.
Brokers Victor Sozin and Jesse Deutch were the exclusive agents for the seller, a real estate investment group.
Goals from JoshuaOrchard, Jacob Finneran and Joshua Wrigley kept Collegians pushing all the way but replies from Jimmy Mukeng (2), David Ngwenya and Sozin ensured the points for Deighton.
White has a variety of defensive moves to the Classical Sicilian opening that range from Bobby Fischer's Sozin Attack to the often utilized Richter-Rauzer Attack.
"We've already received very positive initial interest in these buildings," said Victor Sozin, vice president at Ariel, who declined to put a price tag on the property because the bidding process is ongoing.