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Related to sparry: Sperry, sparry calcite


adj, -rier or -riest
(Geological Science) geology containing, relating to, or resembling spar: sparry coal.
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(ˈspɑr i)

of or pertaining to mineral spar.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Benthic Foraminifera; Assilina dandotica, Assilina laminosa, Assilina leymerie, Assilina spinosa, Nummulites globulus Leymerie, Nummulites atacicus Leymerie, Nummulites mammalitus, Discocyclina dispansa, Discocyclina ranikotensis, Lockhartia conditi, Operculina, Bigenerina, Miliolids, Textularia and Planktic Foraminifera; Globigerina along with some echinoderms and algal fragments often embedded in sparry calcite or lime mud.
benthic assemblage 2 or 3, light grey bioclastic sparry Kotys Limestone (Chlupac et al., 1998).
Cathodoluminescence images show growth zonations within certain sparry calcite crystals, but dull to nonluminescent sector zonations are mostly observed (Figure 4).
Figure 2g presents a detailed view of layer D comprising sparry calcite developed in an empty foraminifera shell embraced by mudstone of layer D.
"Not too many people would know that Dr Crippen's wife once appeared in Dudley," local historian John Sparry told the Mail a few years ago.
Speakers include: John Kenyon, from St David's Poultry Team Veterinary Surgeons, discussing good biosecurity on poultry farms; Gosia Siwonia, Veterinary Surgeon from the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA), talking about what is required by APHA in the event of an outbreak; Rob Ireson, from Natural Resources Wales, covering storage and disposal of wash water and infected litter; Julian Sparry, Livetec, discussing practicalities associated with an AI breakout.
The eastern Yingshan Formation's top surface mainly presents high-energy particle and dust-grain limestone beach facies, mainly based on a thick layer of sparry calcarenite and micrite interbeds.
The cavities are filled with sparry calcite, which is attributed to early diagenesis (Flugel, 2004).
Ellen Sparry of C&M Seeds and Wayne Gale of Stokes Seeds are elected as new Dirs.
In that instance the dense sporadically sparry micritic cement resulted from rapid precipitation stimulated either by evaporation or the C[O.sub.2]-degassing of water.
It can thus be manifested that the recent tufa show similar characteristics of the internal features and fabrics as the fossil tufa except for the absence of diagenetic features as the formation of sparry crusts resulting from cementation and recrystallization as well as large calcite formed by vadose and phreatic diagenesis.
Here lodes ran wide, and there so very small That scarce a pick-point could be press'd between; Here making walls as smooth as polish'd steel, And there as craggy as a rended hill: And out of sparry vagues the water oozed, Staining the rock with mineral, so that oft It led the labourer to a house of gems.