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 (spē′shē-ā′shən, -sē-)
The formation of new biological species through the process of evolution.

spe′ci·ate′ v.
spe′ci·a′tion·al adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Biology) to form or develop into a new biological species
[C20: back formation from speciation]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: speciated
Gerund: speciating

I speciate
you speciate
he/she/it speciates
we speciate
you speciate
they speciate
I speciated
you speciated
he/she/it speciated
we speciated
you speciated
they speciated
Present Continuous
I am speciating
you are speciating
he/she/it is speciating
we are speciating
you are speciating
they are speciating
Present Perfect
I have speciated
you have speciated
he/she/it has speciated
we have speciated
you have speciated
they have speciated
Past Continuous
I was speciating
you were speciating
he/she/it was speciating
we were speciating
you were speciating
they were speciating
Past Perfect
I had speciated
you had speciated
he/she/it had speciated
we had speciated
you had speciated
they had speciated
I will speciate
you will speciate
he/she/it will speciate
we will speciate
you will speciate
they will speciate
Future Perfect
I will have speciated
you will have speciated
he/she/it will have speciated
we will have speciated
you will have speciated
they will have speciated
Future Continuous
I will be speciating
you will be speciating
he/she/it will be speciating
we will be speciating
you will be speciating
they will be speciating
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been speciating
you have been speciating
he/she/it has been speciating
we have been speciating
you have been speciating
they have been speciating
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been speciating
you will have been speciating
he/she/it will have been speciating
we will have been speciating
you will have been speciating
they will have been speciating
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been speciating
you had been speciating
he/she/it had been speciating
we had been speciating
you had been speciating
they had been speciating
I would speciate
you would speciate
he/she/it would speciate
we would speciate
you would speciate
they would speciate
Past Conditional
I would have speciated
you would have speciated
he/she/it would have speciated
we would have speciated
you would have speciated
they would have speciated
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.speciate - evolve so as to lead to a new species or develop in a way most suited to the environment
evolve - undergo development or evolution; "Modern man evolved a long time ago"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Trichophyton rubrum remains the most common cause of toenail fungus in the United States, but nondermatophyte molds--Scopulariopsis, Fusarium, and others--are on the rise, so it's important to speciate, especially when patients have atypical presentations or fail to respond to the T.
Although the second culture failed to speciate the Staphylococcus species grown, it was assumed to be the same organism based on sensitivity results.
A gastric wash was performed and submitted for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to speciate the Cryptosporidium present in the stomach.
(7) However, many labs do not routinely speciate CoNS, and it is likely that the true incidence of S.
"Populations and species have begun to evolve, diverge, hybridize, and even speciate in new man-made surroundings," he wrote.
This was a laboratory-based, prospective study to identify and speciate NTM isolated from specimens submitted to the National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS) central tuberculosis (TB) laboratory at Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital (IALCH) from patients throughout the province of KwaZulu-Natal Province (KZN), SA.
Given their poor dispersal ability and preference for moist microhabitats, millipedes are likely to speciate in isolation (Hopkin & Read 1992; Hamer & Slotow 2000).
The same way that evolutionary theory predicts that a group of animals would speciate in a new habitat, I expect the business models in the pharma industry to multiply.
This inconsistency may be due to two reasons: first, the difference in methodology of collecting mosquitoes in the houses compared to collecting them outside and, second, using different classification keys to speciate the mosquitoes collected.