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spike 1

a. A long, thick, sharp-pointed piece of wood or metal.
b. A heavy nail.
2. A spikelike part or projection, as:
a. A sharp-pointed projection along the top of a fence or wall.
b. A thin, sharp-pointed vertical rod for impaling papers; a spindle.
c. An elongate unbranched inflorescence with sessile flowers.
d. A thorn or spine.
e. A tuft of hair that is stiffened, as with hair spray or soap, into a point.
f. Slang A hypodermic needle.
a. One of several sharp metal projections set in the sole or in the sole and heel of an athletic shoe for grip.
b. spikes A pair of athletic shoes having such projections.
4. spikes A pair of spike heels.
5. An unbranched antler of a young deer.
6. A young mackerel of small size, usually 15 centimeters (6 inches) or less in length.
a. A sharp rise followed by a sharp decline in a graph or in the tracing of a scientific instrument.
b. A sharp momentary increase in voltage or electric current.
c. A sudden steep increase in prices.
a. Sports The act of driving a volleyball at a sharp angle into the opponent's court by jumping near the net and hitting the ball down hard from above.
b. Football The act of slamming the ball to the ground after succeeding in an important play, as after scoring a touchdown.
c. Football The act of deliberately throwing the ball to the ground as an incomplete pass in order to stop the game clock.
v. spiked, spik·ing, spikes
a. To secure or provide with a spike.
b. To shape into spikes.
2. To impale, pierce, or injure with a spike.
3. To injure with spiked shoes, especially when sliding in baseball.
4. To put an end to; terminate: spike a rumor.
5. Informal
a. To add alcoholic liquor to: spiked the punch with rum.
b. To add a poison or other chemical to: a drink spiked with barbiturates.
c. To add flavor or spice to: "Miss Jane brought him ... cold spring water spiked with a dash of vinegar and a touch of molasses" (Howard Frank Mosher).
d. To add excitement or vitality to: spiked the speech with many jokes.
a. Sports To hit (a volleyball) in a spike.
b. Football To throw (the ball) to the ground in a spike.
7. To render (a muzzleloading gun) useless by driving a spike into the vent.
8. To manifest or undergo a sudden increase in (something) followed by a sharp decrease: spike a high fever.
To manifest or undergo a sudden increase followed by a sharp decrease: Traffic to the website spiked after the scandal broke.

[Middle English, from Old Norse spīk.]

spik′er n.

spike 2

1. An ear of grain, as of wheat.
2. Botany A usually elongated, unbranched inflorescence with stalkless flowers arranged along an axis.

[Middle English, from Latin spīca.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. a person who spikes or drives spikes
2. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) an instrument used to spike a canon
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Henry Spiker was this lady's name; and her husband was there too: so cold a man, that his head, instead of being grey, seemed to be sprinkled with hoar-frost.
Spiker, after the receipt of such a confidence, naturally desired to favour his friend with a confidence of his own; therefore the foregoing dialogue was succeeded by another, in which it was Mr.
Spiker was so interested, that he became quite stony.
Henry Spiker, who had hitherto been very distant, entered into a defensive alliance against us, the common enemy, and exchanged a mysterious dialogue across the table for our defeat and overthrow.
'That affair of the first bond for four thousand five hundred pounds has not taken the course that was expected, Spiker,' said Mr.
Spiker raised his eyebrows, and looked much concerned.
Henry Spiker's brother, became vacant, in consequence of his indisposition.
Veteran and top spiker Rachel Ann Daquis put it all in context when she said: "Siempre, ibibigay ni Lord yun sa tamang panahon.
Alohi, who was converted to opposite spiker late in the match, put on a show as Cignal broke loose from a, 19-19, contest to give the HD Spikers a, 22-19, breather while Daquis did the finishing touches for her team.
Richard (Rich) Spiker has joined the company as its executive vice president and chief lending officer, the company said.
"With the improving habitats throughout the region, bear populations have really rebounded," says Harry Spiker, bear project leader for the Maryland Wildlife and Heritage Service.
This will ensure the spiker of hitting the ball deep into the court.