

having no spin
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The mechanism of electrical conductivity in polyaniline includes the formation of spinless carriers of polaron and bipolaron.
Sanchez-Monroy, "Quantum dynamics of spinless particles on a brane coupled to a bulk gauge field," Classical and Quantum Gravity, vol.
For the solutions having spinless matter or vacuum ones, the torsion is vanishing, [T.sub.i], and therefore the total charge of (42) takes the form
Properties of the Luttinger model and their extension to the general 1D interacting spinless Fermi gas," Journal of Physics, vol.
Goldoni's extended Lorentz transformations to the problem of spinless tachyon localization can be found in [9].
The role of the boson, first mentioned explicitly (in the form of a new massive spinless particle) in the theoretical work of P.
By analyzing the graphs, we can deduce the same value for the optimal angle in the case of 49[degrees] spinless. More interesting is that even in the case of spin, by analyzing the graphs and data, there is a similar value for the optimal angle of approximately 49[degrees].
Hiroshima and Spohn [3] study a perturbative mass renormalization including fourth order in the coupling constant in the case of a spinless electron.
We consider an IFG of N, conserved, spinless fermions in arbitrary dimension d > 0.
Specific subjects covered include the invariance properties of the Dirac equation, time-independent scattering of a spinless particle, and a wide variety of others.
For a single spinless particle in a potential V(x), the evolution of the wave function is given by the usual Schrodinger equations (1), (2) and the evolution of the particle position is given by
(1) into a symmetric form (which is only meaningful for spinless classical charges), the following gauge transformation has to be applied for tensor entities: