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Scot a revel; binge; escapade
[C18: of obscure origin]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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And now I think I'll pick a dinner-pail, to have when I get hungry again, and then we'll start out and 'splore the country, and see where we are."
Salt Lake City, UT, February 06, 2014 --(PR.com)-- Black Diamond Equipment, a global leader in skiing and climbing equipment, has outfitted Splore, a local nonprofit outdoor adventure organization, with their new apparel line.
Maclachlan did not elaborate on what was ailing Lorde, but Splore Festival revealed in a now-deleted tweet that Lorde "was late because she was vomiting!
ATWA wikk lang splore o the tung, sangs, music and traditions o oor byous Doric culture.
It is all very well hanging on to words such as 'egg', 'bottom' and 'Smurf', which are used all the time (although 'Smurf' not as often as it used to be), but what of 'olation', 'rattinet' and 'splore'?
The Colorado--a cool, magnificent river--cuts through the surrounding red rock, creating a canyon big enough to include the road on which we are traveling as fast as we can to join the river-rafting company Splore, which specializes in taking people of every stripe and color, including those with disabilities, on outdoor expeditions.
TNT Running has partnered with Splore and the race will be supporting Splore's accessible outdoor adventures.
Salt Lake City, UT, September 22, 2012 --(PR.com)-- Much to the dismay of rubbery chicken lovers, connoisseurs of gift certificates and enthusiasts of impulse auction items, this fall Splore will not host the annual Harvest Moon fundraiser.
Salt Lake City, UT, August 22, 2012 --(PR.com)-- Splore's Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the appointment of Janine Donald as the organization's new Executive Director as of August 6th, 2012.
Salt Lake City, UT, July 18, 2012 --(PR.com)-- The North Face, has awarded an Explore Fund grant to Splore for Splore's EVOLVE Project.
Last year, REI designated Splore a local adventure-based nonprofit organization which provides outdoor recreation to people of all abilities as the 2010 beneficiary.