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(Knitting & Sewing) a stitch
(Knitting & Sewing) (tr) to stitch or pierce with a sharp instrument


(Industrial Relations & HR Terms) obsolete Northern English a worker's strike


vb (tr)
1. Scot to shut or close
2. dialect to fasten or affix
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Fit wye wid my Doric tones pit the littlin tae sleep, like the mither in at poem - 'yer wee bit eenickies, steek them shut'?
Aluminum is preferred over other materials for framing of greenhouses and is followed by steek, wood & PVC.
Q: There are reports that say that there is a resistance at the local level in the takeover of Bhushan steek in Odisha.
Additional stitches are cast on at the underarm for armhole steek panels and at the neck for the neck steek panel.
Hier blyk dit duidelik dat hy doelbewus sy medekrygers in die steek gelaat het weens lafhartige eiebelang (kyk veral na sy redevoering op bl.
Influence of hot and cold deboning on the palatability, structure and economic trait of restructured beef steek. J.
Hy steek soms sy nek ver uit met standpunte, veral oor bekendes.
Interestingly, in this defence of her own emotional' voice, Van Niekerk displays an awareness of intellectual history, effectively distancing herself from facile charges that her public aesthetic bad manners' are unreflective (or unreflecting), 'hysterical' and intellectually 'immoderate.' Indeed, in the play's script, as the audience is leaving the auditorium, Sus and Daan stand in the foyer, and sing as a coda: Daar is niks so goed soos karnaval/'n bontspul en 'n groot rumoer/om protes in weg te steek' (25) (Van Niekerk 2010, p.
TBAK vertaal klas- en studienotas, hou rondetafelgesprekke en het selfs vanjaar die kunstenaar Chris Chameleon genooi om vir Tygerberg te kom wys wat daar in Afrikaans steek!