
Related to stey: stye, sty


a ladder
Scot (of a hill, mountain, or cliff) steep or precipitous
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The weaver-bard poeticises a winter day 200 years ago when: 'Yon cauld sleety cloud skiffs alang the bleak mountain and shakes the dark firs on the stey rocky brae.' Bardrain Wood, with its fern-fringed footpaths, tree-canopied glades and moss-mantled rocks, was one of my favourite boyhood haunts.
Researchers in the field of moral education who have moved away from reference to virtue have instead focused upon what they refer to as the "moral self" or "moral identity" (Blasi, 2005; Hardy & Carlo, 2005; Krettenauer & Hertz, 2015; Lapsley & Stey, 2014).
ARROWORD Canned fish Vehicle's opening top Natural source of metals Male cat Sign of future events Stardom 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bit missing __ Stone, actress Make happy Fitting, suitable Make happen, bring about ACROSS 1 MUTILATE 5 STEY 9 HERDS 10 MERE LAD 11 LOOT 12 SCANTIER 14 PARTLY 15 HURLED 18 ACTUATOR 20 NEVE 23 TERRAIN 24 CARES 25 DEER 26 ETERNITY DOWN 1 SETUP 2 LIMO RUT 3 DAME 4 CAPOTE 6 TITAR 7 RED NOSE 8 OUTSIDE 13 CARTING 14 PRATTLE 16 GRIEVED 17 PARTON 19 RATED 21 ANTSY 22 AIRS Ladder rung Jousting weapon Outing 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 West Indian spirit Butterfly trap Drivers' short cut (3,3) That bloke's Benefit, service 25 26 Curtain-track cover LETTERBOX KRISS KROSS Can you fit the listed words back into the grid?
He noted that the stay order's headline had two glaring spelling mistakes and it read ' STEY' ( sic) ORDER ' AGAINEST' ( sic).
(7) Hebrew: stey pradot halxu ba-derex 'two mules went=walked: PAST on-the-way' nos 'ot masa al gaban 'bear(ing): benoni, FEM, PLUR (a) load on their backs' Spanish: Caminaban dos mulas 'walked: IMPFV, PLUR two mules' llevando su carga 'carrying: PRTC their load' The question is what, if any, alternatives were selected by Hebrew speaker-writers to express the predicate in the opening clause, describing a durative background event of walking, marked as Imperfective in Spanish, but in the single Past tense form in Hebrew.
The prettiest of the items was the Helly Hansen W Warm Freeze 1/2 zip top made from merino wool and Lifa Stey Dry Technology, which does actually keep your skin dry, which is the key to staying warm.
(48.) Stey C, Landolt-Weber U, Vetter W, Sauter C, Marincek B.
Estudo taxonomico do genero Pestalotiopsis Stey. Melanconiaceae, Rodriguesia, Rio de Janeiro, v.37, n.63, p.21-26, 1985.