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(Biography) Charles. 1795–1869, English explorer, who led three expeditions (1828–29; 1829; 1844–45) into the Australian interior, discovering the Darling River (1828)
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From Surat we see him going over to Australia, and in 1845 participating in Captain Sturt's expedition, which had been sent out to explore the new Caspian Sea, supposed to exist in the centre of New Holland.
Captain Sturt, [11] when descending the Murrumbidgee, in Australia, saw two emus in the act of swimming.
YES PHILIPPA STURT The term "diversity" has become so prevalent in the tech sector that it has lost a lot of its impact, especially when it comes to gender.
Asif Ali and Dr Ata Ur Rahman from Charles Sturt University (Australia) during the concluding proceedings of International Conference on Pulses for Food Security at MNSUA on Thursday.
Qaiser Majeed Malik and Acting Australian High Commissioner, Brek Bately inaugurated the three days workshop here, being organized in collaboration with Charles Sturt University, Australia.
Islamabad -- Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) in collaboration with Charles Sturt University, Australia has organized a three days' workshop on technical writing on 28-30 August, 2018.
These views were expressed during a meeting of Australian experts, including Dr Richard Culas and Dr Michael Mitchell from Charles Sturt University (CSU)'s Institute for Land, Water and Society (ILWS) with University of Agriculture, Faisalabad Vice-Chancellor Prof Muhammad Iqbal Zafar, a press release issued on Wednesday stated.
Researchers from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) stumbled across this amazing discovery at Sturt National Park near Tibooburra.
From stadium to stadium, Andy Sturt studies everything from the ballpark to concessions and everything in between.
Dr Erica McIntyre: Dr McIntyre is a postdoctoral researcher in the School of Psychology, Charles Sturt University.
Edited by Jesse Ransley, Fraser Sturt, Justin Dix, Jon Adams, and Lucy Blue