

a subdivision of a phase
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References in periodicals archive ?
A portion (1-4 g) of the ovary of all females macroscopically identified in the actively spawning subphase was weighed (0.01 g) and preserved for a minimum of 3 months in Gilson's solution for fecundity analysis.
Previous studies have been based on the assumption that a deceleration subphase occurs whether the loads are light or heavy during back squat (BSQ); however, to the best of our knowledge, a deceleration sub-phase has been reported only for one load during BSQ (45% one repetition maximum [1RM]) (Lake et al., 2012).
The temperature of the subphase was maintained at a constant value of 15[degrees]C by circulating thermostatically controlled water around the trough.
The Philippine Navy, through the Naval Task Group 88, got the highest score during the Communications Drill led by the People's Liberation Army-Navy (PLA-N) conducted during the last day of the sea subphase on Octobe 26, 2018.
The following period is, however, very difficult to characterize, as the absence of contextual data makes it difficult to differentiate any elements that are specific to this subphase.
Our group has been investigating interactions between components of mixed monolayers and between monolayers and the sub-phase with an objective to examine and control the reactivity in various systems such as the film of monoterpenoid alcohol, nerol, over acidic subphase [5], of 1-phenyl-1-hexadecanol over chromic acid [6], mixed monolayers of octadecylamine and 1-octadecanethiol [7], a long-chain thiourea and a fatty acid [8] and several others [9-14].
The subphase water was purified using an ultrapure water system.
The preparation phase is divided into the boot subphase and configuration subphase.
To overcome this issue, the activities were coded using the descriptions of the subphase of the GDCPP [33] looking for similarities in the responses in each of the four code books.
[3] used mixed PSS-DTMA Langmuir layers to incorporate with silver precursors from the subphase and transferred them onto mica substrates; they showed that enhancing the DTMA (+) in the mixed PSS-DTMA system would increase the hydrophobic property of the complexes.
Each media cluster name is based on its functionality of computing a pacific multimedia subphase, such as conversion, extraction, matching, and reconstruction.