

(Commerce) a sale carried out within the process of a larger sale
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(a) Subskale tworza 2 pozycje, dlatego do obliczenia rzetelnosci wykorzystano wspolczynniki korelacji pomiedzy itemami tworzacymi dana podskale / Because 2 items consist scale for the reliability the correlation was calculated for each subsale's items.
SubSales: 1 if a supplier sells 50% or more of its output to a single assembler; 0 otherwise.
Perhaps the biggest surprise in Table 4 involves the radically different effects that SubSales (and Sales%) and LoneClub have.
The difference between SubSales and LoneClub is surprising, because one might have thought that the variables would identify roughly the same suppliers.
For our purposes, the resulting question becomes: If there were significant RSIs in the industry, would SubSales or LoneClub more likely signify their presence?
Reasons linked to technological innovation suggest that LoneClub more plausibly proxies for RSIs than does SubSales. We discuss that hypothesis in Subsection 3 below.
Consider, then, the implications of this analysis for the importance of SubSales and LoneClub.
Consequently, the factor driving the different coefficients on SubSales and LoneClub in Table 4 would seem to lie in the degree of extra-industry (or noncustomized, intra-industry) sales.
(47.) Adding a variable interacting LoneClub and SubSales results in a significant, positive coefficient on SubSales but insignificant coefficients for both LoneClub and the interaction term.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM helps Incom with planning and operations, forecasting cash flows, monitoring the performance of subsales, monitoring key agreements and creating quality relationships with customers.