

(Industrial Relations & HR Terms) an element of a wider skill
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Training consisted of an explanation of each assessment including what subskill it measured and the protocol for its administration.
In this way, each part of the test served to estimate a subskill of walking: the capacity to (a) create a stable base of support in an orthostatic position, on both legs and on each leg separately, with and without support from the hand; (b) transfer body weight from one limb to the other in a rhythmical and rapid manner; and (c) alternately transfer body weight when moving forward.
Similarly, time, stress and conflict management, video conference and presentation skills as well as creativity and critical thinking are highly relevant to interpreting which, too, can be a fifth subskill to be developed in more advanced stages of language learning.
For students with ADHD who struggle with achievement deficits confounded by symptoms of ADHD, it makes sense to rely primarily on Curriculum Based Measurement (CBM), which covers a range of material and further investigation of specific skills with Subskill Mastery Measurement (SMM).
The third subskill of self-regulation is self-correction.
It is not clear from the present study precisely which factors mediate the effects of level of interest on reading comprehension, but it is likely that a high level of interest will trigger motivation to understand, and that this in turn will activate processes that are important in comprehension, such as text- and knowledge-based inferences (see deSousa & Oakhill, 1996 for evidence that increased interest has an influence on comprehension monitoring--an important subskill in comprehension).
A skill path is a chain of skill instances that starts from the agent's top-level goal and descends the skill hierarchy, unifying the arguments of each subskill clause consistently with those of its parent.
The low improvement rate in this study substantiates Tono's finding: the correlation between the reference subskill of finding idioms and comprehension scores was low and even slightly negative (Tono 2001: 80).
Fuchs and Deno (1991) refer to the former practice as specific subskill mastery measurement and to the latter as general outcome measurement.
Considerable effort went into structuring direct teaching of each subskill, detecting the acquisition of the skill and seeing the skill used appropriately as the prerequisite for a subsequent learner action.
A more promising finding was that the combination of explicit instruction of fractions and EAI provided an additional boost for students in fraction computation on overall test score and subskill comparisons.