

proof against the sun, unable to be harmed by the sun, through which sun cannot penetrate
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



impervious to sunlight or damage by the rays of the sun.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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In the indoor/outdoor furniture category, Eden had a gray sunproof fabric and quick-dry foam cushions.
In the meantime, think prevention: wear sunscreen, stay in the shade and wear "sunproof" long-sleeved clothing, wide-brimmed hats, and sunglasses.
TCU RPM Pass 2 Phr 0" 150[degrees]F 85 Masterbatch 231.00 " 85 Zinc oxide (720C) 3.00 .5" 85 Stearic acid 2.00 " 85 Sunproof improved 1.50 " 85 Santoflex 13 (6PPD) 1.00 " 85 Flectol TMQ 1.00 1" 85 Sweep ram 1.5" 70 Speed change--continue mixing for 9.5" keeping stock 11" between 157[degrees]C and 163[degrees]C.
The arena has two massive, 92 square metre Philips screens at either end, the third-largest screens in any European stadium, and a sunproof roof that covers 93 per cent of the seating area.
Sunproof clothing (with high UPF values) has been recommended, but this approach is often seen as impractical because it involves wearing relatively thick clothes of dark color, together with clumsy accessories (e.g., sombreros, socks).
'Sunproof'--More adaptable to harsh conditions, such as parking lots.
Ken Parker's Calder Pinwheel & Flow sports a wood frame and pulley mechanism and is hand-painted with the same kind of sunproof paint used on highway billboards.
Elapsed along the uneven boards of a desolate fence somewhere in Peru; slipped down a needle still stuck in a spool of thread on a dusty windowsill in Razan; fell away from a statue in an empty park in Thale, and surrendered a neat, dim dooryard in Yinchuan; glimmered, failing quickly, on the sandy beige exterior of a northern-California computer peripherals firm; disappeared into those sunproof windowpanes, and sank into all the pooled chromes of the one car left in the lot: warm red suddenly cool.
Such products adhere to the skin very well, but waterproof is not the same as sunproof. Once you've reached the maximum exposure limit of your sunscreen you must get out of the sun.