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Fine metallic filings or shavings removed by a cutting tool.

[Of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse svarf.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(swɔːf; swɑːf)
1. (General Engineering) material removed by cutting or grinding tools in the machining of metals, stone, etc
2. (Chemistry) radioactive metal waste from a nuclear power station
3. (Metallurgy) radioactive metal waste from a nuclear power station
4. (Astronautics) small fragments of disintegrating spacecraft, orbiting the earth
[C16: of Scandinavian origin; related to Old Norse svarf metallic dust]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Lubriserv can solve these problems by selecting the optimum cutting fluids, effective coolant filtering, swarf management and air filtration systems for manufacturing operations.
The general machining capabilities include multi-surface 5-axis roughing and finishing; multi-surface 5-axis flow line machining; surface edge 5-axis swarf cutting, typically for trimming vacuum-formed parts; an adaptable interface, based upon part type strategy, showing only what is needed; advanced gouge checking; control of entry, exit, cut-to-cut, and between-cut motion; 5-axis depth cuts machining; and integration with GibbsCAM Machine Simulation module for toolpath verification and simulation of all the machine's moving components.
The flute profile of CDX-Al stretches and breaks the swarf into small, manageable chips, whilst the slow spiral and optimised flute volume further enhances chip evacuation at high cutting conditions.
The system's enhanced filtering techniques enable it to detect nonspherical contaminants, screen/sieve wire, swarf and metal slivers, for example, which are traditionally difficult for other metal detectors to locate.
All of the problems were 'real life' and the option the students chose was how to separate ferrous and non ferrous swarf. All of this material currently goes off site.
Their low viscosity helps maintain fluid longer and reduces dragout on swarf. They also have higher flash points than traditional cutting oils and produce less mist and fumes, reducing the risk of fire and improving worker safety.
The resulting high resistance to abrasive wear protects the flute land of the drill, while swarf adhesion in the flute is very low.
I had to leave after a while because of getting swarf in my eyes.
"At this point a section of swarf - that's waste metal - caught his glove.
This high frequency enables the unit to distinguish small fragments of stainless steel, swarf and other metals.
The module also provides simultaneous 5-axis support for Swarf milling, plus 5-axis Finishing and 3D Projection Finishing cutting cycles.
Lasers also do not produce dust (swarf), which can interfere with vacuum forming and other dust-sensitive operations.