

slang a drunkard; a cheat
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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But The Swizzler disagreed, stating: "People can fall behind with bills for all reasons.
TOMORROW AINTREE: 1.25 Swizzler, 1.55 Sykes, 2.30 Any Currency, 3.00 Hunters Hoof, 3.30 SPLASH OF GINGE (NAP), 4.00 The Big Dipper, 4.35 Midnight Velvet.
Bermuda - sparkling waters, manicured golf courses and rum swizzler cocktails!
Other fun garnishes recently spotted around the country include candied rhubarb swizzlers in the Meyer Lemon Press at Two in San Francisco.
In other words, food that tastes good (turkey swizzlers, lumpy custard, artery-clogging chips) has been banished from the dinner hall and replaced with celery sticks and tofu burgers.Yum-yum-yum-yum-yum...
But when the children described what they commonly ate for tea - pot noodles, chips and burgers, pizza, crisps and swizzlers (whatever they are) - I no longer doubted that such a place is needed.
I probably wouldn't think the same when I think of love hearts, swizzlers, and sherbert flying saucers (by the way don't expect the recipes for these).
While definitions vary among industry observers, most accept that at a minimum, it consists of beverageware such as glass and crystal stemware and double old-fashioned glasses; ice buckets and coolers of plastic, steel or crystal; decanters; corkscrews; and tools such as swizzlers, mixing spoons and jiggers.
You are already warned about the bright decor inside from just the colour of the paintwork on the restaurant's outside walls - they are bright yellow and inside you will be hit with more of the same, as well as atmospheric blues and fabulous red couches attached to the walls which remind you of Swizzlers at the fairground.
Specially designed for them by hip mixologist company Liquid Assets, the list has about 15 classic cocktails and 10 that were tailor-made for the bar, such a s blueberry smashes and spiced swizzlers.
Conair's lineup of hair care appliances has of course grown to include many other products, such as straighteners, curling irons and new creations like the Swizzlers and Quick Braid, but the company has by no means abandoned the item that made Conair a household name.