

a person or a bird that swoops
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
WASHINGTON (CyHAN)- A well-known high-speed skydiver, also known as "swooper", was killed after her parachute's canopy hit another canopy midair, Florida authorities said Thursday.
This swooper style flag kit proclaims that there is a “SALE” going on in large, vibrant letters.
EVERTON will make a summer swooper for Cardiff's Wales whizzkid Joe Ledley.
You wind sailing buccaneer swooper of small mammals
(He's a thinker, not a swooper.) He just wants to do justice to the power of memory, which has a way of overriding the law of gravity -- a strange circumstance, when you feel you could run your fingertips across every object on the screen.
SWOOPER HERO Blue tit returns to bird box with lunch.
SWOOPER TROOPERS J British and French soldiers join the fray after being dropped off yesterday
The Swooper - who cuts across from the fast lane to make an exit (7)
PREY FOR ME J Methuselah before scans BEAK CONDITION 3 Scan shows full-body scan of Methuselah SWOOPER SNAP Z Scan shows Methuselah's skull and spine
SWOOPER MARIO n Botelli, left, can help City hand Newcastle their first defeat of the season