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(word root) with, together
Examples of words with the root syn-: synthesis, synoptic, synonymous
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


(saɪn; sɪn)
adv, prep, conj
a variant of syne1
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


a prefix occurring orig. in loanwords from Greek, meaning “with,” “together”: syncarpous; synchronous; synthesis. For variants before certain consonants, see sy-, syl-, sym-.
[< Greek, comb. form representing sýn with, together with]


1. synonym.
2. synonymous.
3. synonymy.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Syn added that its management has made changes to the financial reporting process of each division and strengthened its key control procedures, which will lead to better forecasting going forward.
Within the last year, there has been afull review into some of the foods,and based on the latest nutrition date, as well as member feedback, there are changes being made to the syn values of food that will have a big impact.
As the new Syn values are still so low, members can easily still include them within their daily choices, if that's what they choose to do, and fat-free natural yogurts, dried pasta and home-made mashed potato will continue to be Free."
Foods have a 'Syn' value and people following the Slimming World plan can eat between 5 and 15 'Syns' per day and still expect to lose weight on a weekly basis.
In the future of Beth Kander's Original Syn, singularity has been achieved, leading to two branches of humanoids: Originals, who are deprived of technological enhancement; and Syns, enhanced humans who are physically ageless and connected to vast networks of knowledge.
Under the new rules the Mug Shots range from one syn to up to 5.5 for the Mug Shots Sensations Mac &amp; Cheese while the Batchelors Pasta 'n' Sauce ranges from a half to six for the Tuscan Sausage variety.
First the SYN request is sent from the client to the server to set up connection; the server sets up the half-open connection and sends back the SYN-ACK to the client.
ref.] medium Calculated calculated dr (b) anti: from MAD syn experimental dr (c) [%] M062X/6- Gas/neat 3:97 72 70 31g(d) Water 18:82 68 BH&HLYP/6- Gas/neat 11:89 11 20 31g(d) Water 33 : 67 29 B3LYP/6- Gas/neat 11:89 11 5.5 31G(d) Water 41 : 59 0 B3LYP/6- Gas/neat 10:90 0 9.5 31G(d,p) Water 36:64 19 B3LYP/6-311 Gas/neat 17:83 84 56 ++G(3d,3p) Water 47 : 53 28 BH&HLYP/ Gas/neat 11:89 11 17 cc-pVDZ Water 35 : 65 23 Granatanone (exp.
With SYN Rings, stability weight training wields unpredictability to strengthen and challenge core muscles, as well as physical and mental agility.
Rennie, Ellie, Life of SYN: A Story of the Digital Generation, Monash University Publishing, Melbourne, 2011, ISBN 9 7819 2186 7064, 111 pp., $19.95.
of Technology) focuses specifically on the Student Youth Network (SYN), a media organization in Australia that features people between 12 and 26 years old.