
Related to tarre: tare, Tare weight


vb (tr)
obsolete to provoke or goad
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Nuria Tarre, Chief Marketing Officer at City Football Group, commented: "We're excited to have the men's and women's trophies on tour at the same time -- this is a football first and we can't wait to celebrate our historic success with fans around the world.
Nuria Tarre, Chief Marketing Officer at City Football Group, commented: 'We're excited to have the men's and women's trophies on tour at the same time.
Rodriguez had condemned the Organisation of American States' (OAS) recent recognition of Venezuelan opposition envoy Gustavo Tarre as his nation's representative to the OAS, pointing to Washington's possible involvement.
In our proposal, firstly, the local variance of the SPOT (which comes from French "Systeme Probatoire d'Observation dela Tarre" and means "earth observing system") image is calculated by using different sliding windows.
Kartais bioreaktoriuose oras puciamas taip intensyviai, kad aplinkoje ima trukti C[O.sub.2] del degazavimo, todel nitrifikuojancios bakterijos nebesidaugina (Tarre, Green 2004).
In 2013 these indicators were among the highest in the world (PROVEA 2012, 2013; Tarre and Tablante 2013; see also Observatorio Venezolano de Violencia and Transparencia Venezuela).
Para un lector afrocentrico, involucrado en el estudio de la narrativa policial hispanoamericana, Rojo express (2010), novela de Marcos Tarre Briceno, (1) seria un roman noir donde lo afrovenezolano se encuentra criminalmente ausente.
In 2010, Venezuela abandoned its compensatory system in favor of a parallel one (Tarre 2011: 139), which practically legitimized the existing state of affairs.
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