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Related to taxying: taxing, taxied


n. pl. tax·is or tax·ies
A taxicab.
v. tax·ied (tăk′sēd), tax·i·ing or tax·y·ing, tax·ies or tax·is (tăk′sēz)
1. To be transported by taxi.
2. To move slowly on the ground or on the surface of the water before takeoff or after landing: an airplane taxiing down the runway.
1. To transport by or as if by taxi: taxied the children to dance class; taxi documents to a law office.
2. To cause (an aircraft) to taxi.

[Short for taximeter or taxicab.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl taxis or taxies
(Commerce) Also called: cab or taxicab a car, usually fitted with a taximeter, that may be hired, along with its driver, to carry passengers to any specified destination
vb, taxies, taxiing, taxying or taxied
1. (Aeronautics) to cause (an aircraft) to move along the ground under its own power, esp before takeoff and after landing, or (of an aircraft) to move along the ground in this way
2. (intr) to travel in a taxi
[C20: shortened from taximeter cab]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈtæk si)

n., pl. tax•is tax•ies, n.
1. a taxicab.
2. to ride or travel in a taxicab.
3. (of an airplane) to move over the surface of the ground or water at slow speed, as in preparing for takeoff.
4. to cause (an airplane) to taxi.
[1905–10, Amer.; short for taxicab]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: taxied
Gerund: taxiing/taxying

I taxi
you taxi
he/she/it taxies
we taxi
you taxi
they taxi
I taxied
you taxied
he/she/it taxied
we taxied
you taxied
they taxied
Present Continuous
I am taxiing/taxying
you are taxiing/taxying
he/she/it is taxiing/taxying
we are taxiing/taxying
you are taxiing/taxying
they are taxiing/taxying
Present Perfect
I have taxied
you have taxied
he/she/it has taxied
we have taxied
you have taxied
they have taxied
Past Continuous
I was taxiing/taxying
you were taxiing/taxying
he/she/it was taxiing/taxying
we were taxiing/taxying
you were taxiing/taxying
they were taxiing/taxying
Past Perfect
I had taxied
you had taxied
he/she/it had taxied
we had taxied
you had taxied
they had taxied
I will taxi
you will taxi
he/she/it will taxi
we will taxi
you will taxi
they will taxi
Future Perfect
I will have taxied
you will have taxied
he/she/it will have taxied
we will have taxied
you will have taxied
they will have taxied
Future Continuous
I will be taxiing/taxying
you will be taxiing/taxying
he/she/it will be taxiing/taxying
we will be taxiing/taxying
you will be taxiing/taxying
they will be taxiing/taxying
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been taxiing/taxying
you have been taxiing/taxying
he/she/it has been taxiing/taxying
we have been taxiing/taxying
you have been taxiing/taxying
they have been taxiing/taxying
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been taxiing/taxying
you will have been taxiing/taxying
he/she/it will have been taxiing/taxying
we will have been taxiing/taxying
you will have been taxiing/taxying
they will have been taxiing/taxying
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been taxiing/taxying
you had been taxiing/taxying
he/she/it had been taxiing/taxying
we had been taxiing/taxying
you had been taxiing/taxying
they had been taxiing/taxying
I would taxi
you would taxi
he/she/it would taxi
we would taxi
you would taxi
they would taxi
Past Conditional
I would have taxied
you would have taxied
he/she/it would have taxied
we would have taxied
you would have taxied
they would have taxied
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: - a car driven by a person whose job is to take passengers where they want to go in exchange for moneytaxi - a car driven by a person whose job is to take passengers where they want to go in exchange for money
auto, automobile, car, motorcar, machine - a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine; "he needs a car to get to work"
gypsy cab - a taxicab that cruises for customers although it is licensed only to respond to calls
minicab - a minicar used as a taxicab
fleet - group of motor vehicles operating together under the same ownership - travel slowly; "The plane taxied down the runway"
go, locomote, move, travel - change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast" - ride in a taxicab
ride - be carried or travel on or in a vehicle; "I ride to work in a bus"; "He rides the subway downtown every day"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
تَاكْسِيتاكْسي، سَيّارَة أجْرَهتَدَرُّج الطائِرَه قَبْل الإقْلاع
taksi stovėjimo aikštelė
braukt pa lidlaukutaksometrs
taksipistte ilerlemekrule yapmak


A. N (taxis or taxies (pl)) (= cab) → taxi m; (= collective taxi) → colectivo m (LAm), pesero m (Mex)
1. (Aer) → rodar por la pista
2. (= go by taxi) → ir en taxi
C. CPD taxi driver Ntaxista mf
taxi fare Ntarifa f de taxi
I'll pay the taxi fareyo pagaré el taxi
taxi rank (Brit) taxi stance (Scot) taxi stand (US) Nparada f de taxis
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


ntaxi m
modif [company, firm, licence, service] → de taxi; [ride] → en taxi
vi (AVIATION) [plane] → rouler
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


nTaxi nt; to go by taximit dem Taxi fahren
vi (Aviat) → rollen; the plane taxied to a haltdas Flugzeug rollte aus


n (esp US) → Taxi nt
taxi dancer
n (US) → Tanzdame f


taxi driver
nTaxifahrer(in) m(f)
nFahrpreisanzeiger m, → Taxameter m (form)


n (US) → Lufttaxi nt
taxi rank (Brit), taxi stand (esp US)
nTaxistand m
n (Aviat) → Rollbahn f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. ntaxi m inv
2. vi (Aer) → rullare
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈtӕksi) plurals ˈtaxis ~ˈtaxies noun
(also ˈtaxi-cab. (American) cab) a car, usually fitted with a taximeter, that can be hired with its driver, especially for short journeys: I took a taxi from the hotel to the station.
verb3rd person singular present tense ˈtaxies, ~ˈtaxis: present participle ˈtaxiing, ~ˈtaxying: past tense, past participle ˈtaxied
(of an aeroplane) to move slowly along the ground before beginning to run forward for take-off. The plane taxied along the runway.
ˈtaximeter noun
(usually abbreviated to meter) an instrument usually fitted to taxis to show the fare owed for the distance travelled.
taxi rank
a place where taxis stand until hired. There is a taxi rank at the railway station.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


تَاكْسِي taxi taxi Taxi ταξί taxi taksi taxi taksi taxi タクシー 택시 taxi drosje taksówka táxi такси taxi รถแท็กซี่ taksi taxi 出租车
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009