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n. pl. teg·mi·na (-mə-nə)
A covering or integument, especially:
a. The thin plate of bone that covers the middle ear.
b. The tough leathery forewing of certain insects.
c. The inner layer of a seed coat.

[Latin tegimen, tegmen, covering, from tegere, to cover; see (s)teg- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -mina (-mɪnə)
1. (Zoology) either of the leathery forewings of the cockroach and related insects
2. (Botany) the delicate inner covering of a seed
3. (Botany) any similar covering or layer
[C19: from Latin: a cover, variant of tegimen, from tegere to cover]
ˈtegminal adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈtɛg mən)

n., pl. -mi•na (-mə nə)
1. a covering or integument, esp. of a plant or animal.
2. the delicate inner coat of a seed.
3. either of a pair of leathery forewings extending over the hind wings in certain insects.
[1800–10; < Latin: covering (also tegumen, tegimen) =teg(ere) to cover + -men n. suffix]
teg′mi•nal, adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Tegminal apex rounded; reaching to rear margin of tympanum or sometimes to middle of abdominal tergite 2.
Pronotum almost cylindrical in apical part flat along its entire length (Fig.1c,e,g,h); male stridulatory organ not protruding beyond the level of posterior tegminal margin; Cerci of male much thinner than second antennal segment very slightly and gradually widened and barely flattened outer margin (Fig.1f).
Descripcion: Macho de medidas: Largo del fastigio al final de la tegminal 5,7; largo del fastigio al final del abdomen 14,8; largo de la prozona 1,1 ; largo de la metazona 1,05; largo total del pronoto 2,15; ancho del pronoto 1,75; ancho del femur posterior 1,6; largo del femur posterior 10,2; largo de la tegmina 11,45; diametro del ojo a 1,3; diametro del ojo b 1,6; distancia interocular 0,05; ancho de la cabeza gena-gena 1,9.
Wings slightly shortened, distinctly not reaching hind femoral apex (ratio tegmen/hind femur 0.75-0.8); distal part of tegmen almost twice as narrow as widest part of proximal half (except in region of stridulatory apparatus); tegminal apex narrowly rounded; tegminal subcostal area almost without crossveins; tegminal R with 2 branches in distal third; area between tegminal M and CuA narrow (Fig.
It resembles congeners of Aphonoides by: inner tympanum open, but outer one obliterated, tegminal Sc with several normal branches, ovipositor with apex rounded, and with large teeth on hind and ventral surfaces (Gorochov 2006).
levyi, with energy at 7 kHz and from 11 to 24 kHz, are likely the result of exciting radiating tegminal speculae into action, these then vibrating at their inherent resonance frequencies (Montealegre-Z et al.
Females practically apterous (minute tegminal lobes, hardly visible looking from behind under pronotum).
(In one of the two females examined the elytra are shorter, just reaching the sixth abdominal tergite, showing that tegminal length is variable in this species).
Female stridulatory organs.--Unlike in most other Tettigonioidea, female phaneropterines also usually possess tegminal stridulatory organs.
All of its winged species have females with tegminal stridulatory organs, and in a few species with completely reduced female tegmina, these organs are lost.