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n, pl -men
(Military) navy a noncommissioned officer in the US navy, usually charged with communications duties
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References in periodicals archive ?
Yesterday, Maximo Park were supported by Lush, Public Service Broadcasting, Teleman, Fear of Men and Warm Digits on the main stage.
On Sunday, July 31 Maximo Park will be supported by Lush, Public Service Broadcasting, Teleman, Fear of Men and Warm Digits on the main stage.
Teleman, an exciting new band, took to the Folk Forest stage.
[27.] Barbu CG, Teleman MD, Albu AI, Sirbu AE, Martin SC, Bancescu A, Fica SV.
Bands such as The Sherlocks, Rat Boy, Blaenavon, Darlia, High Tyde, Pretty Vicious, Sundara Karma, Swim Deep, Teleman, The Hearts, The Hunna, The Japanese House, The Magic Gang and Glasgow's Catholic Action.
OSCAR, who describes his sound as ''gangsta melancholy'' will be introducing debut album Cut And Paste (out on May 13) on series of dates including Birmingham's Rainbow on Friday, April 8 when he will be joined by Teleman.
Pe de alta parte, nu pot uita o relatie si evenimentele traite impreuna atatia ani, cu colegii care absolveam in 1957, Sergiu Rudeanu, Alexandra Bagdasar (Bellow), Kostache Teleman, Ion Cuculescu, Ion Zamfirescu, Horia Banea, Mariuca Halalau (Craifaleanu), Laura Constantinescu si multi altii, precedati de Valentin Poenaru, Gheorghe Gussi, Ciprian Foias, Nicu Boboc, din anul imediat superior, toti datori profesorului sarbatorit.
In Drosophila the translational inhibitor 4E-BP has been shown to be upregulated in response to nutritional stress, providing a metabolic "brake" to control fat metabolism (Teleman et al., 2005).
Dan Teleman, CEO of Atox Bio, stated, "We are very pleased with this financing round, led by reputable life science investors.
From the ashes of Pete and Pirates come national tour supports Teleman. There is a welcome lightness of touch about music and voice but a meshing of keyboards, guitar and rhythm into a well oiled machine on the psychedelic express-ive Steam Train Girl.