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Related to terne: terne metal


American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Metallurgy) Also called: terne metal an alloy of lead containing tin (10–20 per cent) and antimony (1.5–2 per cent)
2. (Metallurgy) Also called: terneplate steel plate coated with this alloy
[C16: perhaps from French terne dull, from Old French ternir to tarnish]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Les raisons de notre match terne ?, on a eu une tres bonne equipe en face.
Il n'en est pas moins evident que l'image terne que d'aucuns essaient de divulguer, a travers des supports images, pourrait aussi emaner des sectes radicales dont la moderation islamique constitue une reelle auto-extermination.
The Roofinox product line consists of Roofinox Classic brush-rolled stainless steel, Roofinox Pearl bead-blasted stainless steel, Roofinox Plus ribbed stainless steel, Roofinox Chroma mirror-rolled stainless steel and Roofinox Tin-plated (Terne), the only tin-plated stainless steel product specifically developed and manufactured for roll forming and fabricating.
YESTERDAY'S SOLUTION: dementi; dene; denier; denim; dent; DETERMINE; diene; dine; diner; dint; emend; endite; enter; entered; entire; entree; ermine; ermined; erne; inert; inter; mend; mender; mien; mind; minder; mine; mined; miner; mint; minted; minter; need; needier; neem; nerd; nereid; nerite; nide; nitre; rein; reined; remind; rend; rent; rented; rind; teen; teenier; tein; tend; tender; tendre; tern; terne; tinder; tine; tined; treen; trend; triene; trine.
NORDIC BUSINESS REPORT-June 20, 2014-Petrolia reports dry well on Terne prospect
M2 EQUITYBITES-June 20, 2014-Petrolia reports dry well on Terne prospect
Mr Gaunt said: "We looked into having the lead replaced with Terne coated steel.
We set off for Whitcliffe Common first, a gentle amble from the town centre with great views over the castle and River Terne. Then it was a taste of the Mortimer Trail, which covers 30 miles in all.
Joining the previously mentioned bands will be Rumberas de Cuba from the Caribbean, Longital from Slovakia and Terne Cheve from Slovenia.