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1. a small orb resembling the earth
2. (General Physics) physics a magnetic globe designed to simulate and demonstrate the earth's magnetic fields
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Audrey Kalman; TINY SHOES DANCING AND OTHER STORIES; Terrella Media (Fiction: Short Stories) 15.99 ISBN: 9781732054691
In his final moments, Blue spoke out to murdered Carmen's daughter Terrella Richards.
AGONY 3 Terrella Richards with a picture of mum Carmen, killed by Blue
He was sorry for what he did." In his final moments, Blue spoke out to murdered Carmen's daughter Terrella Richards.
AGONY Z Terrella Richards with picture of mum Carmen, killed by Blue
To prove his theory, he built his own "world in a glass box," or a terrella, a vacuum chamber in which a small magnetized metal sphere (a stand-in for Earth) is bombarded by electrons injected into the box.
James miraculously traps a strange light known as "The Breath of God" in a terrella, a small globe kept around his neck.
Gilbert shapes a rounded magnet on his lathe and calls it a terrella (Latin for "little Earth") because it represents for him the earth's prefallen state.
The book discusses his very advanced terrella experiments, where he practiced creating artificial auroras.
However, it was not a result of his terrella experiment, as Jago states, but through electric discharges in gases.
Gilbert's most famous experiment involved a spherical lodestone, which he named "terrella"--the "little earth"--because it was indeed meant to serve as a scale model of the earth.