

(Physical Geography) full of or covered with thickets, dense brush or undergrowth
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From the author of the Thickety series comes this chilling tale of sneaky witches and captured children.
Kara and her younger brother must figure out how to survive in the very haunted Thickety. Determined to get through the Thickety in order to escape their island home, the siblings find unlikely help in the person of Mary Kettle, an ancient and malevolent witch who appears to have mended her ways.
The Thickety: A Path Begins tells of Kara and her little brother, who are shunned by the people of their village when their mother is convicted of witchcraft.
From these early accounts, it appears that several small or shrubby trees were also locally abundant in thickety transitions between grassland--or cultivated fields--and woodland of various types: including edible grapevines (Vitis spp.), plums (Prunus spp.), pawpaws (Asimina triloba), persimmons (Diospyros virginiana) and mulberries (Morus rubra).
Nemec parked his truck and led the way into the thickety jungle, holding a stick to catch spider webs, and warning me not to touch the Florida poisontree and mind the curved spines of the devil's claw vine.
About noon the rain tapered off to a light drizzle, and I slipped into a poncho and, taking advantage of the rain-sodden footing, crept in very close to the buck's thickety stronghold and sat down against a sapling.
1966, Cornell cut and pasted different photomechanical reproductions together on Masonite: A lordly lone boy and his dog gaze away from a nude reclining in a strange, thickety wood, her pocketbook lying off in the distance.