

having the characteristics of or related to a thiol
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Thiolated resins are substances with covalently attached thiolic metal-binding groups which very tightly bind metals including lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic.
Antioxidant and pro-oxidant effect of the thiolic compounds N-acetyl-Lcysteine and glutathione against free radical-induced lipid peroxidation.
Glutathione thiolic groups [26] and protein thiolic groups [27] have an important antioxidative role in the erythrocyte and comprise approximately
Oxidized glutathione also occurs in combination with thiolic groups of hemoglobin and other proteins of the erythrocyte, in the form of mixed disulphides (PSSG).
A diet supplemented with thiolic anti-oxidants improves leucocyte function in two strains of prematurely ageing mice.
In addition to the importance of GSH, this choice is also explained by the fact that we intended to obtain an NIC product of the same structure as (I) (Figure 1) but with GSH as the thiolic ligand, bis-(glutathione-2-thiolate) tetranitrosyl diiron (II).
Convincing evidence shows that penicillamine ligands of NIC (I) in solution in the presence of GSH replaces the original thiolic ligands with GS-, thus forming new NIC, (II), which is quite decomposition-resistant and shown here.
After centrifugation, the presence of thiolic groups (index of reduced glutathione) was assessed by adding Ellman's ractive.