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an antifungal agent and seed disinfectant, C6H12N2S4
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A four-replicated experiment carried out using 200 seeds from each seed lot to assess the seed viability between three layers of filter papers wetted with 21 mL of deionized water, treated with 1 g L-1 Thiram fungicide.
El sitio con mayor numero de plaguicidas fue Los Pozos donde se encontraron DDT y congeneres, aldrin, dieldrin, ditiocarbamatos (maneb, mancozeb, metiram, propineb, thiram y ziram) y clorotalonilo.
Finally, one laboratory reports that they routinely use either thiram or dithiocarbamate.
Out of seven fungicides, bromoconazole and hexaconazole were effective in delaying the death of infected palms compared to benomy & thiram, triadimefon, triadimenol and tridemorph.
The objective of this work is to study the toxic effect of the dithiocarbamate "thiram 80% purity" on seasonal reproduction of male domestic pigeons Columba livia domestica, subjected to a long photoperiod (19L: 05D).
Seeds were treated with Imidacloprid + Thiodicarb (0.5 L 100 [Mg.sup.-1]) and Carbendazim + Thiram (0.2 L 100 [Mg.sup.-1]) and inoculated with bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum (100g 100[Mg.sup.-1]) immediately before sowing.
Zhou, "Synthesis of silver nanocubes as a SERS substrate for the determination of pesticide paraoxon and thiram," Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, vol.
[59] has reported a 3D MoS2-NS@Ag-NPs nanostructure which can detect trace thiram in apple juice and local lake water with a detection limit as low as 42 nM.
For the preparation of 250 mg/L stock solutions of ANTU, asulam, diazinon, malathion, maneb, nabam, phoxim, terbufos, thiabendazole, and thiram (Dr.