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Acronym for tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes , under lymphocyte.
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"Don't you fret, Til," said Aileen, who did not understand entirely.
So it was that old Til might well have quailed in her tattered sandals had she but even vaguely guessed the thoughts which passed in De Vac's mind; but the extra gold pieces he dropped into her withered palm as she delivered the bundle to him, together with the promise of more, quite effectually won her loyalty and her silence for the time being.
Clare, what the impudence of you men will come to!" said Jane, tossing her pretty head til the ear-drops twinkled again.
In the arm of the 44 patients treated with TILs, the biological material was available for translational research for 31 patients.
- Information on the role of TILs as a strong prognostic biomarker for triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) and their potential ramifications
RXi Pharmaceuticals president and CEO, Geert Cauwenbergh, said, 'Iovance is the leading company developing novel cancer immunotherapies based on tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) technology.
TILs are mainly composed of different subtypes of T cells, which play an important role in antitumor immunity.
There are two further limits on the expense deduction--the taxable income limitation (TIL) and the ceiling limitation (CL).
According to Dr Geert Cauwenbergh, president and CEO of RXi Pharmaceuticals, Iovance to explore its proprietary TIL technology with the former's proprietary sd-rxRNA technology.