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Related to tither: hither and thither


a. A portion of one's annual income contributed voluntarily or due as a tax, especially a contribution of one tenth of one's income for the support of the clergy or church.
b. The institution or obligation of paying tithes.
2. A tax or assessment of one tenth.
a. A tenth part.
b. A very small part.
v. tithed, tith·ing, tithes
1. To pay (a portion of one's income) as a tithe.
2. To levy a tithe on.
To pay a tithe.

[Middle English, tithe consisting of a tenth part of one's goods or income, from Old English tēotha, tenth, tithe; see dekm̥ in Indo-European roots.]

tith′a·ble (tī′thə-bəl) adj.
tith′er n.
Word History: A tithe is a tenth, etymologically speaking; in fact, tithe is the old ordinal numeral in English. Sound changes in the prehistory of English are responsible for its looking so different from the word ten. Tithe goes back to a prehistoric West Germanic form *tehuntha-, formed from the cardinal numeral *tehun, "ten," and the same ordinal suffix that survives in Modern English as -th. The n disappeared before the th in the West Germanic dialect area that gave rise to English, and eventually yielded the Old English form tēothe, "tenth," still not too different from the cardinal numeral tīen. But over time, as the former became tithe and the latter ten, and as tithe developed the specialized meaning "a tenth part paid as a tax," it grew harder to perceive a relationship between the two. The result was that speakers of English created a new word for the ordinal, tenth, built with the cardinal numeral ten on the pattern of the other regularly formed ordinal numerals like sixth or seventh.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈtaɪ ðər)

1. a person who gives or pays tithes, as to a church.
2. a person who collects tithes.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.tither - someone who pays tithes
payer, remunerator - a person who pays money for something
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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I guess I'm not wrong by giving everyone the thoughts of Michael Tither, 35 year old, outdoor educator in London: 'Oman gave me lifelong friends and memories, I will cherish for the rest of my life.
Weel we hid ae ee on Dan Dare emsel - Dougie, at five-eer-aal up till aa's tricks - an the tither on the wee bairnie lattin's ken tae pey attenchin for she's a hungry wee lady.
They peppered the back-field with clever kicks and pulled Robbie Henshaw hither and tither, while they dominated the collision zone and made every tackle count.
Rowry's Trucking LLC LLC 12/4/2018 600 Hernando Street Tither Investigation Services, LLC LLC 12/4/2018 127 S.
"The hithering tithering waters of", ahora hither and tither es aqui y alla, aca y aculla, pero hithering and tithering es un verbo, que nos da la idea de un movimiento en muchas direcciones, y asi Joyce escribe el final de uno de los capitulos de Finnegans Wake: the rivering waters of, the hithering tithering waters of night, despues, se resuelve lo anterior.
The other four men - John Webster, William Webster, Henry Robinson and Thomas Tither - remained at large, while Nathan Shaw was not charged.
And he cites a policy among Cityland founders that every stockholder should be a tither. He attributes the continuing growth and expansion of this condominium builder to giving the tenth to God's work- meaning, in a church, a chapel or any of God's storehouses.
Peter Tither, pictured, an ex-pat who lives in the South of France, paid PS2,000 for the right to be the new Lord of Little Barr, Birmingham, but the manor does not exist apart from a forgotten footnote in the Domesday Book.
Jill met Janet Holt, 64, originally from New Mills in Derbyshire who now lives near Matlock, and Lesley Tither, 62, originally from Stockport through online writers' site Authonomy.com.
as well as the AlCPA Code of Professional Conduct, the rules of state hoards of accountancy zinc' tither regulatory bodies.
(101) A positive view of tautology is taken in Alan Tither, The Power of Tautology: The Roots of Literary Theory, (London: Associated University Press, 1997).