

tr.v. tra·ject·ed, tra·ject·ing, tra·jects
To transmit.

[Latin trāicere, trāiect-, to throw across : trā-, trāns-, trans- + iacere, to throw; see yē- in Indo-European roots.]

tra·jec′tion n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(tr) archaic to transport or transmit
[C17: from Latin trājectus cast over, from trāicere to throw across, from trans- + iacere to throw]
traˈjection n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



to transmit.
[1545–55; < Latin trājectus, past participle of trāicere to throw or across =trā-, variant of trāns- trans- + -icere, comb. form of jacere to throw]
tra•jec′tion, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: trajected
Gerund: trajecting

I traject
you traject
he/she/it trajects
we traject
you traject
they traject
I trajected
you trajected
he/she/it trajected
we trajected
you trajected
they trajected
Present Continuous
I am trajecting
you are trajecting
he/she/it is trajecting
we are trajecting
you are trajecting
they are trajecting
Present Perfect
I have trajected
you have trajected
he/she/it has trajected
we have trajected
you have trajected
they have trajected
Past Continuous
I was trajecting
you were trajecting
he/she/it was trajecting
we were trajecting
you were trajecting
they were trajecting
Past Perfect
I had trajected
you had trajected
he/she/it had trajected
we had trajected
you had trajected
they had trajected
I will traject
you will traject
he/she/it will traject
we will traject
you will traject
they will traject
Future Perfect
I will have trajected
you will have trajected
he/she/it will have trajected
we will have trajected
you will have trajected
they will have trajected
Future Continuous
I will be trajecting
you will be trajecting
he/she/it will be trajecting
we will be trajecting
you will be trajecting
they will be trajecting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been trajecting
you have been trajecting
he/she/it has been trajecting
we have been trajecting
you have been trajecting
they have been trajecting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been trajecting
you will have been trajecting
he/she/it will have been trajecting
we will have been trajecting
you will have been trajecting
they will have been trajecting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been trajecting
you had been trajecting
he/she/it had been trajecting
we had been trajecting
you had been trajecting
they had been trajecting
I would traject
you would traject
he/she/it would traject
we would traject
you would traject
they would traject
Past Conditional
I would have trajected
you would have trajected
he/she/it would have trajected
we would have trajected
you would have trajected
they would have trajected
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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References in periodicals archive ?
ItAaAeAeAEs that disagreement that sparks the playAaAeAeAEs traject
Le DifaAaAaAeAc qui a dominAaAaAeA@ la seconde par a pu rAaAaAeA@tablir l'AaAaAeA@quilibre suite AaAaAeA un penalty bien bottAaAaAeA@ par Hami Un penalty provoquAaAaAeA@ par Jawad Lyamiq qui n'a pas bien calculAaAaAeA@ la traject de la balle.
The samples derived from mice exposed to either [alpha]-HBCD or [gamma]-HBCD cluster and traject on one side of the vehicle control group, while samples from CM-HBCD cluster and traject on the other side of the vehicle control group.
This was done in their relentless effort to traject from one S-curve to the other, thus avoiding their business going into a dying phase.
The authors acknowledge the financial support by IWT and WTCB in the frame of the IWT-VIS Traject SMART GEOTHERM focusing on integration of thermal energy storage and thermal inertia in geothermal concepts for smart heating and cooling of (medium) large buildings.
Out of every epochal manifestation of becoming, where Being only appears behind the Veil of Maya, one can find not only willing, truth-saying and conflicts over each of these, but instead a form of transformational activity which will traject itself from Past into the Future.
Het traject van Felix Heidendal voor en na de Tweede Wereldoorlog," Tijd-Schrift.
Ik volg een traject dat zal leiden naar enkele Afrikaanse dichters en naar de linguistische (al dan niet gecreoliseerde) smeltkroes die het Afrikaans is.
According to Miller's own account (in Allen, 1916: 595), the expedition found sporadic tuco-tuco colonies along a 500 mile (800 km) traject from Tapirapoana (present-day Mato Grosso state, at 14[degrees] 51' 01" S/57[degrees] 46' 04" W) to Jose Bonifacio (Rondonia state, see above) at a "...strip of sandy country in which the animal seemed to be comparatively numerous.
'Er was de route van de wandelaar, er was het traject in de vorm van een hart' (p.