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References in periodicals archive ?
For more than 20 years, TRIGO has been providing management solutions concentrated mainly for the automotive and aerospace industries.
The partnership enables EMC Consulting to extend its market reach beyond Romania to more than 25 countries serviced by TRIGO. TRIGO's experience is further enhanced by EMC Consulting's extensive training portfolio and local expertise.
Working with Trigo "will also drive efficiency and minimize costs across our operation."
This is the third acquisition for TRIGO in 2018 and the seventh one since private investment house ARDIAN began backing TRIGO in 2016.
No Brasil, a producao de trigo (ou cultura triticola) concentra-se nas regioes Sul, Sudeste e Centro-Oeste, motivada, principalmente, pelas condicoes climaticas favoraveis.
El objetivo principal de esta investigacion fue determinar el valor nutritivo de panes con sustitucion parcial de harina de trigo por harina de tapirama.