
(redirected from trudgeon)
Related to trudgeon: trudgen, Trudgen stroke


also trudg·eon  (trŭj′ən)
A swimming stroke in which alternating overarm movements are combined with a scissors kick.

[After John Trudgen (1852-1902), British swimmer.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Swimming, Water Sports & Surfing) a type of swimming stroke that uses overarm action, as in the crawl, and a scissors kick
[C19: named after John Trudgen, English swimmer, who introduced it]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Previous Aspire Award winners include Ray Bitsche, Patrick and Barbara Hill, Ray and Pat Potts and Sandy Trudgeon.
Just as the then-dominant trudgeon stroke was borrowed--likely from South America (Colwin, 2002: 14)--Islanders provided the inspiration for the crawl stroke, and individuals like Alick Wickham provided prototypes for the stroke's development.
I owe debts to Brian Trudgeon, who imparted knowledge gained through his career as a city planner, and to Dave Lamon and Steve Casey, who demonstrated what it means to serve the public.
Trudgeon and Carr (2007) investigated the impact of home-based behavior intervention on families of children with ASD and concluded that although parents reported both positive and negative impacts of the program, the sources of support obtained offset the demands of the programs.
But the artwork's co-owner, Kristyn Trudgeon, isn't buying his tale.
without fear of an unintended waiver of immunity"); Trudgeon v.
Simon Trudgeon, Commercial Leader, explained: "Businesses are being put in a position where they have no choice but to re-examine their normal method of acquisition, usually looking to alternatives to outright purchase as their traditional lines of funding have reduced or have been closed.
Marina Shallish from Grand View, Williamstown, Rhon- dda, sent in a picture of herself with Lawrence and Margaret Trudgeon, Sylvia Jones, and Enid Hughes on holiday in Norway.
Trudgeon, RI 2000, Why warriors lie down and die, Aboriginal Resource and Development Services, Darwin.
According to Roger Trudgeon, deputy director at the Ballarat Gold Museum, Ballarat in the 1860s was a ''pretty rough, rollicking town with all sorts of entertainments that could be had for the right price.''
Crowd's Michael Trudgeon, who with David Poulton designed the space, explains: "Traditionally cinema foyers are static and empty spaces.