
Also found in: Idioms.


(ˈtɜrnˌɒn, -ˌɔn)

n. Slang.
something or someone that arouses one's interest or excitement.
[1965–70, Amer.]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The boys are no stranger to the city asthousands turned out in Broadgate earlier this month to see them turnon Coventry's Christmas lights.
"Screaming and yelling isn't a big turnon in the U.K.," Weintraub says, explaining how royal reporters generally are respectful these days and the royal family works hard to protect its privacy.
Cao, "A novel fluorescence turnon probe based on diketopyrrolopyrrole-nitroolefin conjugate for highly selective detection of glutathione over cysteine and homocysteine," Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, vol.
The control law of SRC# is also allowed ZVS at turnon and ZCS at turnoff for the diode rectifier, as shown in Figure 5(b).
Reduction of current density and enhancement of turnon voltage possibly comes from the enhancing of TPBi thickness.
We understand perfectly well that stars have to call attention to their new projects, but the way Ai Ai chose to do it on "ASAP" was, in our view, quite counterproductive: Now billing herself as ADA, she tried to dress, look and sing really sexilybut, she came off more as a turnoff than a turnon.
home healthcare devices are stand alone and require transfer of data to EMR/EHR but future devices will interact with EMRs/EHRs to deliver data directly to the databases.CLOUD COMPUTINGCloud computing is the use of virtualized serversthat can be scaled on demand based on variouslevels of resource requirements at run-time.7 Forexample an application running on a cloud can turnon more servers in response to spike in demand forcomputing resources.
Albert Style didn't comment on the TV pundits' job '." in front of the camera but reckons they might do a turnon the pitch.
Let's give the speaker the benefit of the doubt, andassume that he has deliberately smeared together analogies and fudgedreferents to confound the meaning suggested by "Every time I turnon the light ..." What purpose would that serve?
The turnon voltage and the saturated current efficiency of the OLED device at the current density of 10mA/[cm.sup.2] are 8.7 V and 7.0 cd/A, respectively, as shown in Figure 4(b).