

without a tusk or tusks
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Zimbabwe has an aggressive quota for tuskless elephants.
Joyce Poole, scientific director of a nonprofit called ElephantVoices, told the National Geographic: 'Over time, with the older age population, you start to get this really higher proportion of tuskless females.'
Tuskless mothers and calves were previously immune to ivory poaching but are now targets, preventing the species from reproducing and replenishing itself.
Kurt F, Hartl GB and Tiedemann R (1995) Tuskless bulls in Asian elephant Elephas maximus.
Being tuskless, he is further disadvantaged when it comes to eating.
Leaving for Zimbabwe for buffalo and tuskless elephant, and hopefully I will be able to contribute to the history of my Gibbs All the best
Unlike their African relations, the male elephants here have no tusks - a result of years of being killed for ivory, until only the tuskless kind survived.
Elephant poaching is believed to have increased the number of tuskless animals in Africa, and in Canada, hunting has caused bighorn sheep's horn size to fall by 25 percent in the last 40 years.
These items, provided by the members of the bridegroom's village were noted by the chief and distributed to the relatives of the bride in the following order: the largest tusker to the bride's father; a slightly smaller tusker to the bride's brothers; a smaller tusker to the bride's mother; a large tuskless pig to the bride's father's sisters; rive smaller pigs including three very small pigs to other members of the bride's family; money to the bride's father's eldest brother's daughter; the eight red mats were taken by the women of the bride's family to be stored by her father (Figure 4).
Hunting and fishing pressure can drive rapid evolutionary change, such as the development of tuskless elephants in Africa and Asia, small-horned bighorn sheep in the Rocky Mountains, and fish that mature without growing big.
(Typically, 6 percent of a population is tuskless, because of a genetic quirk.